

Since its beginning in 1995, several mission groups from Minnesota have visited Lutheran Health Care Bangladesh in Dumki. There have been doctors, nurses, lab technicians, pastors, youth and their parents, specialists in water purification, teachers, church staff members, representatives from the ELCA, and others who have witnessed first hand the work that is going on for the women, children and families in Dumki and the surrounding villages. Teams of doctors, nurses and medical specialists visit each year to teach, mentor and provide encouragement for the medical staff of LHCB, and learn about the challenges of medical care in an impoverished country. At the start of every work day, we pray side by side with our Hindu, Muslim and Christian workers in this mission, and on Sundays and holidays, worship with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Teams visit the villages listening to the success stories from the women’s savings groups, celebrating school health program graduations, watching safe water pumped from a new deep tube well, and receiving modest gifts of fruit and green coconut milk shared with pride and deep generosity. We observe the hope for a better life in the faces of all the women, children, and families we meet.