

Please keep LHCB in your personal and collective prayers.  Prayer is another way we can walk together with our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh.  Following are prayer requests:

Pray for Pius Serao and all the LHCB staff for guidance, strength and wisdom as they face the challenges of leadership

Pray for the doctors and nurses at the hospital as they care for the women and children, and male patients

Pray for the families of the LHCB staff who live separately because of work and family needs

Pray for the children of the LHCB Primary School to do well in their studies, exams and successfully pass to the next level

Pray for the new mothers-to-be among the LHCB staff and in the surrounding villages for a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery and healthy baby

Pray for members of the Dumki church and all Christians in Bangladesh


Gracious God, you have flooded my life with fullness as vast as a field of wheat stretching to the horizon.  Because life comes at me fast, and sometimes with ferocity, it is easy for me to forget the blessings you give with such liberality.  Then when I see someone else's need, I am suddenly aware again of the abundance in my own life.  When I have such a moment of recognition, O God, help me realize that I may be the blessing you have brought to that person's life.  Give me courage to respond to them with love.  Amen.


Oh God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions.  May there be peace on earth.  May the waters be appeasing.  May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all.  May all beneficient beings bring peace to all.


Let me be a voice for the speechless, those who are small and weak; Let me speak for all helpless creatures who have no power to speak.  I have lifted my heart to heaven on behalf of the lest of these- the frightened, the homeless, the hungry.  I am voicing their pleas.  If I can help any creature, respond to a desperate call, I will know that my prayer has been answered  by the God who created them all.

A PRAYER FOR CLEAN WATER (Bread for the World)

O God, by giving us your Son, Jesus, you satisfy our thirst by giving us new life in community with others.  Inspire us by your abundance to make sure clean water is available to all the world's people.