Give a Gift
Your gift towards our operational budget will support the work of LHCB in Dumki and the surrounding villages. These are some examples of how your gifts will support our work and programs where the need is most:
Medical Staff Salaries
There are 4 doctors, and 15 junior and senior nurses on the staff of LHCB. Most are married and support extended families. They provide patient care in the hospital, operating room, outpatient and mobile clinics, and are involved in patient education and Traditional Birth Attendant Training.
Caesarian Section
Most women in Bangladesh will deliver their babies at home. But when problems arise they will come to our hospital for help. With the ability of our skilled doctors to perform caesarian sections for high risk situations, we are saving the lives of mothers and babies who might not otherwise survive. Up to 200 caesarian sections are perfomed at LHCB each year.
Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) Training
92% of pregnant women in Bangladesh deliver at home unattended by skilled personnel. LHCB started TBA training in 1996 and has trained over 300 TBAs to assist mothers in their villages with safe child birth. In addition to delivering babies, the TBAs work with mothers before and after delivery, instructing them in appropriate health care, immunizations, and infant care. They monitor the pregnant mothers and refer those women with high risk pregnancies to the hospital in Dumki for delivery under close supervision.
Labratory Supplies
LHCB has made much needed improvements in the laboratory with the addition of more space and the purchase of updated equipment. Our lab personnel are trained in the new procedures, techniques and tests. With improved equipment come increased costs of the supplies and reagents necessary for the new tests.
Hospital Equipment/Supplies
It is most efficient and economical for LHCB to purchase hospital equipment in country. This practice minimizes import costs and increases longer use of equipment with access to repairs when needed.
Training in Gardening, Fisheries, Poultry and Livestock Rearing
LHCB focuses on improving the life and health of the poor women, children and their families in southern Bangladesh. Nearly half the children under 5 years are malnourished, nearly half of the adult women are anemic. Presently LHCB's community development programs focus on educating women and their families teaching improved gardening techniques. There are future plans to provide training and education for fisheries, poultry and livestock rearing. With this training and education the health and well being of the women and their families will be improved.
LHCB's Primary School
LHCB runs a Primary School for children in preschool to grade 1. The teaching focuses on English and is a morals based curriculum. LHCB is the only school in the surrounding area to offer education in English making it highly valued in the community. The students are children of LHCB staff members and come from the surrounding villages.
Matching Gifts
Many employers provide matching gifts/pledges for their employees. Please check with your employer for specific guidelines and policies. LHCB is eligible for matching funds through Thrivent Financial for its members. Click here for the necessary form.